Every transformational technology started out as just that, techology. A new thing that we didn’t really know how to fit into today but knew it had something to do with tomorrow. Then someone comes along and turns that technology into a benefit, a role it will play in our lives not because of what it can do, but what it can do for us.

Computers were megahertz and memory until Apple made it the enabler of change for those who think different.

Sneakers were what you needed to wear to run until Nike invited us to look at our whole lives as a race with no finish line.

The internet was a mesh of FTP, HTML, and URI until AOL gave us space where we could all come together and choose our own names.

Today, we’re still trying to fathom what we can do now that we can actually own a digital object, but we’re stuck with NFT, ERC, and Shards.

It’s time to take the leap from product to benefit.

The promise is clear: No more physical limits to ownership; Rights and royalties are intrinsic to every object; Every object can tell its own story. But the benefits are not. That’s why we need one thing that says: No more rug pulls; No more pump & dumps; Nothing but safety, transparency, and all the rights and responsibilities that come with ownership, with all the possibilities that come with letting go of physical constraints.

That one thing is now here. A mark. A simple mark that saves all the complicated technology for the back end, but invites you in with a simple offering of safety, transparency, and rights… should you choose to examine it. A mark you can click on, learn everything you need to know about it, and move on. A mark that makes it crystal clear who made it, who owns it, what it has, and what it can do. So we can all get on with what these objects were meant for: making, selling, buying, and enjoying.

If you’re a creator, all you have to do is make your mark.

If you’re a buyer, all you have to do is showcase your mark.

If you’re ready to leave the tech behind and simply enjoy a digital world that we get to own, all you have to do is look for the mark.