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Meet The Team

Founded by a brand and product developer in NY who grew up surrounded by two-dozen struggling artists and filed the world’s oldest NFT patent that empowers artists to be a part of the family; a blockchain engineer in Germany who splits his passions between solidity contracts and being a chef; a CMO in NJ who not only speaks in social feed algorithms but is trying to work out time dilation standards for ads on the moon; a CTO who not only perfected most of the web’s design standards over the past 30 years, but created the world’s largest POS for cannabis accessories and the first quantum computer encryption service; a globe-trotting COO who has been CxO so many times, she’s covered almost every letter of the alphabet; and a business partner who not only invented the naming structure for blockchains, but was part of the original, pre-ICANN team creating the naming structure for the world wide web.