No More Rug Pulls • Permanent Royalties • The Art Owns Its Likes and Follows

MRKD is the world’s first digital canvas built to help artists focus on art and collectors focus on showcasing

We dream of a world where

  • Artists never lose their connection to their creations

  • Collectors are stewards that can add stories to their art before selling it

  • Curators are empowered to be the true influencers of NFT marketplaces

  • And viewers can affect the art as much as the art affects them.

The 6 Qualities of MRKD NFTs

ID - The signature links directly to an artist’s owned digital asset so you never get rug pulled again.

Value - The price is always accessible no matter where the art is shown.

Rights - IP documents go wherever the art does.

Assets - Any format the artist wants to use to express the art is attached for true interoperability and multi-dimensional expression of a singular piece of art.

Promotion - No more right-clicks thanks to an affiliate link share button and a curator link to authentically showcase with smart contract commissions.

Provenance - The art’s entire CV is accessible and able to grow over time as the art itself collects its own views, likes, and shares.

Click on the art’s MRK to explore



Mints your art, rights contract, and provenance into your signature NFT


Showcase your art wherever you like, add your own provenance to and mint it to the art before you sell to add value.


Investigate MRKD art through the authentication signature to see its rights, assets, and provenance wherever the art is shown.

How Does MRKD Art Work?

MRKD isn’t a different technology than NFTs, just a different, simpler user experience that lets the art speak for itself. Every artist’s signature is reimagined as a window into the back of the art’s canvas where you can investigate its authenticity, rights, and provenance.

MRKD specifically uses the Ethereum standard, 6551, to enable the artist signature to hold its own wallet. We then place all the art formats and rights in that signature NFT, making the art autonomous.

That means no more need to research etherscan to authenticate. There’s a link connected to the minter/artist, their rights, and any smart contracts specifying the art’s behavior right in the digital canvas.